Bridging the gap between
tech and your kids

At Codefunhouse, we are dedicated to empowering the
next generation of tech experts in the world.


Code Funhouse was founded in 2021 by a group of passionate educators, developers, parents and entrepreneurs who shared a common vision and goal: to build self efficacy in children by making coding fun and accessible for everyone. We realized that coding is not only a skill, but also a form of creativity and expression that can empower kids to shape their future world.

Our purpose

We noticed that there was a gap in the education system when it came to coding education. Many schools lacked the resources, curriculum, or teachers to provide quality coding education for their students. Many parents also lacked the awareness, knowledge, or motivation to support their kids in learning coding.

That's why we created Code Funhouse, a gamified web app that teaches children, real life (text-based) programming powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). We are focused on making coding education more affordable, convenient, and enjoyable for everyone. We also wanted to create a community of learners and mentors who can share their projects, ideas, and challenges with each other.

Code Funhouse uses gamification, animation, and storytelling to make our curriculum engaging and enjoyable for kids. Our services are subscription-based and designed to be affordable for everyone. Users on our platform receive personalized feedback, guidance, and support from our AI-powered tutor system.

Our mission is to educate 1 million developers by 2030!

Why we do it?

Code Funhouse is dedicated to empowering all children with coding skills, fostering proficiency in computer science, programming, and critical thinking.

Our aim is to ensure every child excels in coding, becoming adept designers and creators shaping their future world.

Empowering Engaging Learning

Dedicated to innovative learning, we aim to captivate young minds in a rapidly evolving world where traditional education may fall short. Our alternative approach ensures children stay excited about learning.

Transforming Education

Code Funhouse addresses the urgent need for educational evolution in our changing world. We offer a fresh, dynamic approach, breaking away from tradition to adapt and meet the evolving needs of modern learners.

Building SustainableCommunities

We go beyond coding, instilling problem-solving and advanced technical proficiencies in children to enhance lives across various sectors. Our vision is to contribute to sustainable communities where these young problem-solvers make a lasting impact.

We’re breaking thestereotypes

Code Funhouse innovatively breaks away from norms, addressing the gender gap in tech, fostering diversity and confidence in kids to succeed in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

How we do it?

Our vision at Code Funhouse is to inspire and equip the next generation for dynamic careers in programming, innovation, and creative problem-solving. We guide children to unearth their coding potential, building a strong foundation in technology. Our community fosters collaboration and connections with mentors, vital for future success in tech careers. Early exposure to tech careers is crucial, shaping adaptable and innovative minds for the demands of our digital world.

With a comprehensive curriculum covering languages like Python and HTML/CSS, we ensure children receive a robust coding education aligned with international standards, preparing them for the evolving job market. Our AI tutor system, central to our platform, provides personalized guidance, enhancing learning and readying students for successful careers in the ever-evolving tech industry.

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